Wednesday 21 August 2013

LIVE BEFORE YOU DIE by Michael Henry


Truly, not everybody that lives has really lived, not everybody you see is really living. Living on earth is beyond exchange of air. It’s beyond the eating, clothing and relaxing thing most think, it’s beyond partying and clubbing. Life is more than fighting and killing, it’s more than lying and cheating. Life is more than money making; it’s more than child bearing. Life is a field for impact makers, change agents, societal developers, mind developers, catalysts, problem solvers and not a field for small minded people, not a place for negative thinkers. Life is not a place for the cowards and not a place for the doubtful. Many who lived have long been forgotten; many who lived are not even remembered today. These are people who had died while they were living; small minded people, drunkards, liars, thieves, adulterers, abductors, pretenders, molesters, rapists and so on. They were so comfortable in their ill-gotten lifestyles that they soon become forgotten immediately they bade farewell to the world. People celebrate the fact that they no longer exist. Whereas some had long gone but their impact in life is very much significant that they cannot be forgotten. They are honestly missed. The world would have replaced their lives with thousands if it were possible because they were more powerful than millions of lives that are living. Listen, your true life or existence on earth is measured long after your demise.  It’s after you have left the world that you will be known to have lived or not. How many people’s good work can you really remember? 

How many people’s existence can you honestly feel especially when they are no more. Life is meant to be lived, we were made to live and when we die, our good works should speak and stand for us. It’s a choice altogether; either being a blessing or curse to the planet earth or human race. You are a blessing when your presence is felt long after you had gone and a curse when people can hardly remember or associate you to anything good.

So, what are you to the world? What are you to Africa? What are you to Nigeria - a blessing or a curse? What problem have you solved or what problem are you solving? Are you amongst the people that are solving problems or you have joined the league of people who are causing problems to humanity? Are you helping faces to smile or you are causing faces to cry? Are you alive living or you are dead living? To live before you die is to do something worthwhile that long after you have gone, you are remembered for that one thing. To live before you die is to do something that will make the world a better place, to live before you die is to add value to the planet earth. To live before you die is to put smile in faces, to solve problems, to cater for lives. That’s the sole reason you were made. Everything you do, every legitimate profession in life is to solve one problem or the other. It will be senseless if all you were made to do on this planet is to buy cars, build houses, marry wives, and go to all the clubs you could possibly think of or sleep with every girl or guy that comes your way. It will be meaningless if all you came to do on this earth is to make money and be famous, to be a president, governor, minister, commissioner, or manager. The driving factor must be beyond cash, people who do things because of money never get satisfaction in the long run because money will not give you all round satisfaction. There is more to life than making money; if money gives all, then people like Dangote, Bill Gates, Ryan Buffett, Richard Branson, Mike Adenuga and many like that will no longer be working. The driving factor must be beyond cash. If you must choose a type of work, it must not only be because the pay is good but also because it’s solving a problem. It must be adding value to lives, and making life a better place.

So, look into Nigeria, what one thing do people find difficult to do that you can do to ease their stress? What one problem can you think of solving? Think very well because that’s the sure way of living, that’s what makes it known that you have lived, until you begin to fulfill a purpose that is beyond money making, until you begin to fulfill a purpose that is beyond you, you have not started living. You are employed in that place of work not just to ease your employer off the stress of doing it alone but also to add value to the organization in the view to adding value to your clients/customers and the society in general. Even though you will get your pay at the end of the month, your motivating factor should be beyond the monthly salary. You are great; you are too big to be determined by a pay cheque. I hate to tell people what they are not. But that is what you are – great. I don’t know you, I don’t know where you live, I don’t know what you ate today, I am not sure if you ate or not but what I am sure of is that you are the best, you aren’t just showing it. Every human was made for one sole reason and the reason is to add value to the world. You are not made to glorify God because God does not need you to be glorious. You give God the glory for everything because you as a man cannot handle the glory, it will destroy you. You are made just to add value to life; you are made to make the world better. And since you are still alive, you still have more to give to the world; you have to live before you die so that you can continue to live even after you have died. The world is waiting for you, the world is waiting to talk about you, Nigeria will talk about you, and your community will talk about you either good or bad. They will curse you if you have brought them pain and will praise you if you brought them joy.

Listen, the best thing that can ever happen to you after death is not only to be talked of but also for your works to be able to talk even when you no longer have voice; for your works to be able to speak when you no longer have breathe. That’s when you have lived and that is when you can continue to live in the world’s memory long after you have gone. If you fail to do anything in the view to giving excuse to the one who made you. If you intend to say that life has not been fair to you, that life didn’t make it easy for you, that life didn’t provide you with the needed resources, life will also speak; life will be granted a chance to speak for herself. Life will tell how she has never made it easy for anyone; she will tell how she tried to stop millions and thousands of people who made it great in life. Listen, life may seem hard, life may seem difficult but life has no hand and cannot stop anyone who is determined to be great in life and if life cannot stop you then no one and nothing can stop you. The only person that can stop you from making a mark on the planet earth before you say “bye” is you.    

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