Friday 23 August 2013



One of the best things that can ever happen to a man in life is to be financially free; a state where you don’t have to think of where the next pay cheque will come from or where the money to pay your bills will come from. Financial freedom gives you a sense of value and a life of peace in the mind; the feeling of going to bed at night completely at peace and in harmony with yourself and waking up in the morning with the same state of mind. Every average man in life needs to get to the point in life where he’s not preoccupied with thoughts of what to eat, when to eat, what to wear and where to live because no one can really enjoy life with thoughts like these. As such, to be financially free is to understand the concept of wealth creation. Wealth as many call it is not made by sweat. There is an inverse relationship between sweat and wealth, in fact people who sweat most are people who earns less and live less. Sweat which we call hard work is not the true meaning of hard work. Hark work does not denote sweat; people who work hard honestly don’t sweat. Hard work is a term used to denote discipline and commitment to work. When we see anyone that is discipline and committed to his work, we say his is hard working. Hard work has nothing to do with sweat and sweat does not make wealth, wealth is in the mind. The creation of wealth and the road to financial freedom starts with the mind.

Thousands of studies have been conducted globally, ten thousands hours have been spent and millions have been invested seeking the answer to this life and generation changing question, why are some people richer than others? Why is it that some people have enough money to buy whatever they want in life? This and many are questions many keep asking and only very few have true answers to these questions. Those who have correctly found the answers to these questions have long gained their financial freedom. Some especially Christians usually console themselves by misinterpreting the bible passage that says the root of money is evil.  They even frown similar questions like why are some unbelievers richer than some Christians? And I wonder if becoming financially rich has anything to do with religion because I have seen tons of believers who are financially free and millions who are not, likewise unbelievers who are struggling with survival on daily basis and thousands who are wealthy. This tells that financial freedom has nothing to do with whether you are a Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist. It is all about you and your thoughts. 

The truth is every human has what it takes to be financially free. It just that most of us aren’t using ours well. Every human is a genius, we are all better in one thing or the other. And the fact that each one of us has this powerful free gift of nature on the inside means we sure have what it takes to gain financial freedom but many of us never knew it. Some of us do but we usually doubt our ability to do exploit in life and this is why many have lived and died in financial bondage. 

If there is any one on earth who deserves to be financially free, it’s you but you are not, simply because you are not doing some things right. When you think of gaining financial freedom through physical strength which is sweat, you probably will die before your time, when you think of gaining financial freedom through your normal pay cheque, you probably will struggle with it till death do you part and when you think of gaining financial freedom through illegal, illegitimate and dishonest acts, then you sure will not be free. Even if you are free, it will never be peaceful and the freedom will never last because money made from dishonest acts never last like money made from honest, legal and legitimate deals. Every wealthy, rich or financially free person you see today started as nothing, most of them started worst than where you are right now. I have heard some people say that the world will be boring if everyone is financially independent. And I wonder why most people had to always give in to thoughts like this. This kind of thoughts usually put man in financial bondage because believing and acting in line with this thought is justifying your reason for being poor. Listen, even if everyone cannot be rich in life, not you and if not you then no one else. Everyone deserves the best in life but unfortunately life does not give anyone what he/she deserves but what he/she decides. So, if you want to be financially free, you have to decide it.

To get on the road to financial freedom is to first understand the industry a friend of mine called the convenient industry. The convenient industry is discovered through the fact that man’s survival on earth requires a lot which man himself cannot produce. The industry is of the school of thought that every man is willing to pay you thousands and millions just for you to help them with something they need but find difficult to do. In other words, people are ready to pay you for easing off their stress. This industry is an ever moving industry; it’s the biggest and largest industry in the world. Every great and big organizations or companies you see today, operate on the convenience concept. And this industry does not stop because convenience never stops. This means if you key into the concept of doing something that people are ready to pay you for, you can never be poor because as long as the human race exists, they will continue to need your service and all you will keep doing is to keep renovating, evolving and keep renewing your service to meet people’s immediate needs.

The world has 7 billion populations, Nigeria has 200 million populations and this population will keep growing. This means there is a market for you. What one thing are people finding difficult to do that you can do to ease them off their stress? Your answer to this question is your road to financial freedom. What can you do to attract 1 million minds out of the 200 million minds in Nigeria? What one thing can you do that 1 million people will be willing to pay you #100 per month? The young guy that invented the popular social network – FACEBOOK attracted just 500 million people out of the 7 billion populations and today he is valued at 25 billion dollars, for a product that is free. What if he now attracted 1 or 2 billion people? Listen, If you think well and release your mind to connect to the good part of you, you are made. If you can structure your mind to positive thoughts, if you can begin to think positive irrespective of the chaos in the global environment, you will begin to see opportunities where others see problems and when you begin to take the bold step of working night and day to solve that one problem, you begin to climb the ladder of success and very soon you will be financially free indeed. Every great and wealthy man did and so you can!

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